Every Sunday I'll post a list of my family's vegan dinner menus for the week, and throughout the week I may include some recipes and general thoughts about being vegan and parenting a toddler.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Thank you!

Thanks so much to Moriah, Rosie, and Dan for posting some fabulous recipes and photos recently! Mmmm... Please keep posting!

I hope to be back in my cooking routine soon, but I am still not there yet due to this crazy pregnancy food aversion. My first trimester just ended, so I hope and expect to be feeling better soon. I can say that we have FULLY explored our eating-out options over the past 2 months. Lots of trips to Maria's Taco X-Press, Mother's Cafe, Curra's, Athenian Grill, and Wheatsville. We have definitely been spending a lot more than we usually do on food! It's a great reminder of why I normally like to plan and cook so much.

So, I hope to be back soon, but in the meantime enjoy the great recipes being shared.


Blogger Dan said...

It's been fun! If you don't mind, I think that we are going to post some pics of food we ate in New York over the holidays!

1/08/2007 6:21 PM


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